Working Smarter, not Harder

Finding ways to make more efficient use of your time and energy while you are working is what is meant by the phrase “working smarter, not harder.” You may be able to complete things more quickly as a result of this. A great number of developers rely on a variety of organizational strategies and priority ranking systems to assist them in determining how best to prioritize their work.

Here are some additional techniques to learn to improve your development skills and work in a more efficient manner:

1. Challenge Yourself With New Tasks

As a programmer, it’s your job to find solutions to problems. These can be about anything, from how to design a user interface to how to set up a database schema, but you have to solve them all in the end. This is why solving problems is by far the most important skill to work on as a developer. But it’s hard to get better at solving problems because you have to put yourself in new and strange situations all the time.

This is why I think you should always give yourself new and interesting problems to solve. This can be anything, like trying your hand at backend development if you usually only do frontend. Using a new programming language or technology to build a project is another great way to push yourself. This will force you to solve old problems in a new way, which is a great way to get better at solving problems. It also makes it easier to learn new languages and frameworks because you can use them as an excuse to get better at solving problems.

2. Make Projects that you’re Interested In

Making a project you’re interested in is the best way to stick with it and learn a new skill or language. For example, if you like football, you should make a project about football. This makes it much more likely that you will finish the project. Also, I think it’s a great idea to combine making projects you like with the first step by making a project using a framework or language you don’t know. This will help you get a lot better at being a developer.

Creating projects is also very important because it is the only way to really learn. You can watch hundreds of tutorials on JavaScript, but you won’t really understand the language until you build your own projects with it.

3. Study Advanced Programming Topics

 As you get used to your first language and framework, you may notice that some parts of your code are messy or don’t work as well as they could. This is when you should start learning about advanced programming topics like refactoring, clean code, testing, deployment, and a lot more.

Most of the time, these advanced topics are more theoretical and require a deeper understanding of what’s going on. This is why I think the best ways to learn about these ideas are to watch YouTube videos or read blog posts about them. This is a quick way to find out if you should do more research on this topic.

 After you do your research, it’s also important to put the topic into action. This can be as easy as reading up on “clean code” and then using the principles you learned to turn an old project into a new one with a better codebase.

4. Never Stop Learning

 When everyone starts programming, they are very eager to learn about the newest technologies and keep up with everything. Once they get their first job, though, all of that goes out the window, and they stop learning new technologies because they’re used to the way they do things. When you have a full-time job, there’s nothing wrong with slowing down your learning, but you shouldn’t stop learning altogether.

 Since technology is changing so quickly, it is a bit of an interesting industry. What was popular ten years ago might be completely out of date now. It’s important to keep up with changes in technology so that your skills don’t become out of date. On top of that, you might find that you like new technologies or languages more than what you are already using, which is a great way to find your next job.

 If you only do what you’re used to, your skills will become outdated, and you’ll have to start from scratch to learn everything new that has happened.

Start working smart and become a better developer!

 Take these tips to improve your work efficiently and if you are having a hard time, let’s discuss this in the comment section!

 Also, if you’re looking for more resources outside of becoming a developer or programming tips, we suggest checking out our social media accounts for more guides and informational content.

Part of Love the idea Team. We're a team of happy and creative people with a passion for building new and exciting ideas. We love what we do and always looking for our next challenge big or small.

Donna Leen


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