In this article, we will provide you strategies that focus on turning things around. Falling back in love with growing and seeing the results first-hand. This, in turn, will organically increase your website’s traffic. Here’s some tried and tested ways to promote your website with no budget.

promote your website with social media

Increasing your digital presence is a sure way to gain audience and promote your website. Remember that a higher traffic equates to higher probability of getting leads.

What to do:

  • Spend 15 minutes per day to each platform below. Even 15 minutes a day on the recommendations above can vastly improve your business.
  • Comment, socialize and interact.
  • Build or be a part of a community
  • Establish credibility. Make sure that your comments, contents and input are of high quality and up to date.

1) Quora

Quora is one of the biggest forums in the world. As their tag line says, it is a place to share knowledge and better understand the world. People come to Quora to ask and answer questions on various topics. This is definitely the right place to start growing your followers.

How to get started:

1. Register.

2. Login and link your social media account

3. Type in keyword on popular topics

4. Look for questions that are 30 days or less, with 200 to 300 likes and up

5. Go in the question and answer in a detailed manner.

6. Link in your article related to the post.

7. You can also write good questions to encourage people interaction.

2) Twitter chat (X)

A Twitter chat is where Twitter users meet on a preset time to discuss certain topics. This is a powerful tool and easy to keep up with. The twitter chats update and refresh in real-time.

How to get started:

1. Register and login to Twitter

2. Divide twitter feed into keywords and make different lists.

3. Set a hashtag

4. Start chatting to people.

5. Post questions and encourage interaction among the group.

6. Engage to your customers and audience. You can also choose to reply with a video

3) Reddit

Reddit is a website that features user-posted articles that are ranked based on popularity. Registered users vote submissions up or down to increase or decrease its visibility Redditors can also submit links, comment and create their own subreddit topic.

How to get started:

1. Register to Reddit.

2. Strategically be part of a community

3. Type sub reddit in google then type keyword then join a tribe

4. Drop your article once you are part of a specific community

5. Remember that the more up votes, the more people see you as an authority and people will start reaching out to you.

4) Blogs

This pertains to other websites or blogs that will allow you to comment. This will let audience be aware of who you are.

How to get started:

1. Pick websites of people and comment.

2. Write comments on answers and not just “Yes, I agree” or “Hey, check out my website here” comments.

3. Do not spam.

Why do these work?

  • Others are more likely to follow you if your comments can add different perspective or additional detail.
  • If they like your post or follow your account, it will have a domino effect. It will be seen by their followers,
  • If your article or content has good value, they will share it.
  • Google will also use that as a social signal that you’re popular and they will link stuff to your website. But more importantly, Google will recognise your website that provides high-quality pages and meet their content standards.

I'm Lorrence and welcome to Love the Idea! I love new tech so much I started sharing my passion with others.

Lorrence Manlapig

Lorrence Manlapig

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